Reading Tips:

Steps to Reading:

1-identify letters(from random scribbles, numbers, and shapes)

2-recite letter sounds(vowels -short sounds before long sounds)

3-recite beginning(initial) sounds of words

4-memorizing common Sight Words (words that do NOT follow phonics rules)

5-decoding(saying each sound in words) ,rhyming words(word families) , and more Sight Words

6-reading short books with regular sounds and simple sight words

7-build on all previous skills



NEVER make reading a punishment

NEVER take away the privilege

Allow students to stay up 10-15 longer if they are reading

The more you are interested, the more they will be interested

Let students “catch” you reading – a book, a newspaper, magazine, comic book...

Read signs while driving

Read labels in stores

Read menus

Read recipes

Read license plates

Read maps

Read homework

Read the calendar

Read mail

Read instructions for something new

Read directions during various games


Flash Cards

Make or buy cards and use them often

Cards can be of... letter names, sight words, pictures with words, various matching games, etc.

Take a handful of cards and time how long it takes your child to name them.  Try to beat the time.

Use the few minutes during commercial breaks to study flash cards

A sibling or parent can quiz during car rides

Keep a set in your wallet or purse and practice in line at the grocery store


Before reading a story…

Have them name and point to the parts of a book...

(Cover, Title, Author, Illustrator, Spine, Title page, dedication page, etc.)

Have your child predict what the story will be about...

just by the picture on the cover? Just by the title? Etc…

Complete a Picture Walk...

look at every picture quickly and predict what the story will be about

During the story…

Ask your child to follow along as you read (you slide your finger below each word; then have them do it)

Pay close attention to the pictures (there are often hidden details and funny things in the background)

Find letters, rhyming words(word families), sight words, etc.

Read half the book and ask your child what has happened so far

Read half the book and ask your child what he or she thinks will happen next

Read half the book and ask your child to draw a picture of what has happened so far

Read half the book and ask your child to draw a picture of what he or she thinks will happen next

After the story…

Ask questions (Did you like it? Favorite part? Why? Etc.)

Review the moral

Relate the story to an event in real life

Compare it to another similar story

Compare it to a different story by the same Author

Compare Illustrator styles - paintings, (pencil-crayon-chalk) drawings, photos, cut-n-paste, etc.

Speak / Write another story about the same characters

Speak / Write the same events from a different character's perspective


Have fun with  books!

The true test is to see if your kindergartener can comprehend the information – being able to retell and relate the story to other things.


10 Reasons to Read to Your Child
1.    When you hold them and give them this attention, they know that you love them.
2.    Reading to them will encourage them to become readers.
3.    Children's books today are so good that they are fun, even for adults.
4.    The illustrations often rank with the best, giving them lifelong feeling for good art.
5.    Books are one way of passing on your moral values to them.
6.    Until they to read to themselves, they will think you are magic.
7.    Every teacher and librarian they ever encounter will thank you.
8.    It's nostalgic.
9.    For that short space of time, they will stay clean and quiet.
10.   If you do, they may then let you read in peace.  
Simple Strategies for Creating Strong Readers

Without doubt, reading with children spells success for early literacy. Putting a few simple strategies into action will make a significant difference in helping children develop into good readers and writers.

Through reading aloud, providing print materials, and promoting positive attitudes about reading and writing, you can have a powerful impact on children's literacy and learning.

  • Invite a child to read with you every day.

  • When reading a book where the print is large, point word by word as you read. This will help the child learn that reading goes from left to right and understand that the word he or she says is the word he or she sees.

  • Read a child's favorite book over and over again.

  • Read many stories with rhyming words and lines that repeat. Invite the child to join in on these parts. Point, word by word, as he or she reads along with you.

  • Discuss new words. For example, "This big house is called a palace. Who do you think lives in a palace?"

  • Stop and ask about the pictures and about what is happening in the story.

  • Read from a variety of children's books, including fairy tales, song books, poems, and information books.

Reading well is at the heart of all learning. Children, who can't read well, can't learn. Help make a difference for a child.

The Five Essential Components of Reading

Reading with children and helping them practice specific reading components can dramatically improve their ability to read. Scientific research shows that there are five essential components of reading that children must be taught in order to learn to read. Adults can help children learn to be good readers by systematically practicing these five components:

  • Recognizing and using individual sounds to create words, or phonemic awareness. Children need to be taught to hear sounds in words and that words are made up of the smallest parts of sound, or phonemes.

  • Understanding the relationships between written letters and spoken sounds, or phonics. Children need to be taught the sounds individual printed letters and groups of letters make. Knowing the relationships between letters and sounds helps children to recognize familiar words accurately and automatically, and "decode" new words.

  • Developing the ability to read a text accurately and quickly, or reading fluency. Children must learn to read words rapidly and accurately in order to understand what is read. When fluent readers read silently, they recognize words automatically. When fluent readers read aloud, they read effortlessly and with expression. Readers who are weak in fluency read slowly, word by word, focusing on decoding words instead of comprehending meaning.

  • Learning the meaning and pronunciation of words, or vocabulary development. Children need to actively build and expand their knowledge of written and spoken words, what they mean and how they are used.

  • Acquiring strategies to understand, remember, and communicate what is read, or reading comprehension strategies. Children need to be taught comprehension strategies, or the steps good readers use to make sure they understand text. Students who are in control of their own reading comprehension become purposeful, active readers.

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